Friday May 13 - 2pm-5pm - Fire Friday - Advanced MAT workout + FIRE CUPPING
Advanced Mat workout 2-4pm, Cupping + Gua Sha 4-5pm.
Receive fire cups in a community acupuncture type setting plus learn how to gua sha scrape for creating movement, clearing pain, accelerating recovery, boosting qi, and finding harmony in the whole system.
Saturday May 14 - 10:30am -1pm / 2:30pm-5:30pm - Owning BREASTSTROKE + GRASSHOPPER as you advance your reformer & use entire studio apparatus to find these fun, powerful, connected, expansive exercises in your body and your growing practice! Learn also the building blocks to teach these exercises to clients and progress them on your own.
Sunday May 15 - 9:00am - 1pm - Building Big Moves in the body.
Use all the apparatus to get upside down, find big extension, activate the backside so that Breast Stroke and Grasshopper actions are possible every where in the studio (and for everyone!).